Spring will soon be here and with it comes the sun, warmer temperatures, and Oregon’s amazing landscapes. It’s a fantastic combination to get out and take some great pictures. Here are some ways to get that picture-perfect portrait so you can capture your moment in the sun.

The best time for shooting to create those magical memories is in the early morning and late evening. If you go out in the early morning or late afternoon, even direct sunlight starts to look good. These golden hours are when the sun is low on the horizon. The positioning of the sun behind you can create a beautiful glow as it did for this couple on the Oregon Coast.
If you do not have the luxury to wait, and you are in the direct sunlight there are plenty of options to still get your photo.
1. Move into the shade
Obviously, you certainly can’t change where Multnomah Falls is, or Mount Hood, but with some subjects, like these two cuties, heading into the shade is quick and easy. It’s a good solution when shooting portraits.

2. Avoid close-ups. Go wide instead
Photographing your subjects up close under direct sunlight is an invitation for trouble. Shadows would be more pronounced and maybe using a fill flash might not make it a better photograph. As much as possible, go wide when taking photos under the midday sun.
3 . Change your perspective
Sometimes, moving your subject into the shade isn’t possible but changing your perspective will work just as well. Instead of straight on kneel down and shoot up, or climb high and shoot down.

4. Shoot silhouettes
If the sun is really causing you all kinds of problems you can have your subject just stand in front of the bright light, and capture a silhouette.

5. Use doorways when the sun is harsh
This doesn’t have to be an actual doorway to a house. The entrance to a tunnel, an archway, just inside a barn door, or even inside a car all work really well for photography. Basically, anywhere that has a roof overhead.

Position your subject just inside the doorway facing out and photograph them from the outside. This is another example of open shade. The advantage of doing this is that you cut out the bright sunlight coming from directly above them, so they won’t have “racoon eyes”.
Now it’s your turn, we would love to see your photos. Please share them with contact@photosbyorion.com, and feel free to contact us. We tell stories with Star Quality Photography, Videography, 360, and Drone. Please feel free to contact us at contact@photosbyorion.com, or 503-385-1435.